Our bodies’ energy requirements for food vary according to sex, age, height, activity level, microbiome diversity, thyroid health and more. Unfortunately, how much we think we should be able to eat, or how much we would like to eat, are not variables. Generally speaking, after our growth is complete and after the reproductive years have passed (for women), our energy requirements reduce with each decade, meaning that we will need to eat less. Your body will tell you. If you are eating too much (giving your body more energy than it can use) or eating too many of the wrong kinds of foods (processed carbohydrates), you will put on weight or have trouble losing it. That said, there are a number of strategies that can be used to promote weight loss and maintain proper weight.

Below are some guidelines to help on your road to a healthier lifestyle.



1. Metabolic flexibility is important, but we must be primarily fat burners, i.e. have a fat burning metabolism. To accomplish this, we must keep carb consumption VERY low most of the time, as carb burning turns off fat burning. Once a fat burning metabolism has been re-established, we can cycle in higher amounts of carbs from time to time. You can learn more about this through Restart© and the Bio-Logic Nutrition Detox©.
2. Maintain muscle mass for increased metabolic rate through strength training 2 times/week. This is extremely important as we age.
3. Follow a nutritional detox or cleanse for several weeks 1-4 times/year, such as Restart© or the Bio-Logic Nutrition Detox©.
4. Try intermittent fasting 2 or more days/week. Reduce your daily “eating window” to 4-8 hours. Intermittent fasting also has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects
5. Skip a meal a day.
6. Start the day with a liquid meal, i.e. bulletproof coffee or tea, a low carb green smoothie, or hot water with lemon.
7. Stick to your 2-3 meals per day and cut out ALL snacking. Forget all the misinformation you learned about frequent small meals throughout the day. We don’t need to eat that often!
8. Do a full fast 1 day a week. It can be a fat fast or a bone broth fast.
9. Aerobic exercise at least 3-4x/week. High-intensity intervals are great for weight loss and brain health.
10. Mindful eating—take a few long, slow, deep breaths before you eat and eat in a calm, relaxed, parasympathetic state, chewing and enjoying your food thoroughly. If you are stressed, don’t bother eating until you have relaxed. You won’t be able to properly digest your food anyway and you may end up eating too much. Eating as a stress relief strategy almost always fails!
11. Hydrate thoroughly daily! Our bodies often mistake thirst for hunger.
12. Drink 1-3 cups of green tea daily.
13. Raw cider vinegar (1-2 tbsp/day) helps maintain proper blood sugar levels.
14. Go grain free if you aren’t already. Grains are inflammatory and high in carbs.
15. Eat off of a smaller plate and while you’re at it, use chopsticks. This prevents “vacuum cleaner” eating.
16. When confronted with cravings, tell yourself you “already know what it tastes like.” How many times have you already eaten this food and did it really make you feel better afterwards?
17. Cut down on your wine/alcohol intake. With multiple drinks, you are creating a carb dump in the evening, just when you don’t need the energy. Furthermore, it creates a toxic burden for your body and shrinks your brain. Investigate other stress relief modalities.
18. Go through HALTS—are you really Hungry, or Angry, Lonely, Tired, or Stressed?
19. Live as toxin-free a lifestyle as possible. Our bodies store toxins in our fat. The less toxic you are, the easier it can be to lose weight
20. Practice yoga, meditation or another form of stress relief to keep your internal stress temperature low. Stress can cause you to overeat. In addition, stress raises your blood sugar and high blood sugar levels signal your body to store fat.
21. Identify and eliminate foods to which you may be sensitive. Consuming these foods stresses the body, raising blood sugar and insulin levels which results in weight gain. The most common food sensitivities are to grains (gluten) and dairy (casein). Other common offenders are soy, peanuts, corn and chicken eggs. Elimination diets and food sensitivity testing can help you determine which foods you are sensitive to.
22. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. Studies consistently show that sleep deprivation is associated with weight gain.



1. They contain a large number of cultures and strains of bacteria and yeasts, which seed our inner garden
2. These microbiota are essential to the proper function of our digestive and immune system (they actively communicate with our immune system through chemical messengers); our modern lifestyle has had a hugely destructive effect on our microbiomes, so we must support (“reseed”) them
3. The beneficial bacteria manufacture vitamins from the foods we eat (i.e. fiber)
4. They are an excellent source of vitamin c
5. They contain enzymes that break down other foods we eat and make them more bioavailable
6. Excellent for flu prevention/immune system
7. Regulate GI problems by improving balance of gut bacteria. Initially you may experience changes in digestion as pathogenic bacteria die off. This should resolve quickly. If you have histamine issues, you may have difficulty consuming fermented foods
8. Good for bronchitis and other respiratory conditions
9. Help with headaches
10. They support detoxification
11. Neutralize the effects of alcohol consumption
12. Eliminate yeast infections



→ These cause dysbiosis + damage to your gut

• Stress
• Gluten
• GMO Foods
• Prescription Antibiotics
• Hand Sanitizers
• Processed Foods
• Sugar + Excessive Carbs
• Prescription Medications (NSAIDS, Acid Blockers, hormones, etc.)
• Chlorinated Water, Fluoride
• Environmental toxins
• Birth by C-section
• Formula Fed as Infant
• Overeating
• Infections (Lyme)
• Low HCl
• Food allergies
• Improper macronutrient combining, i.e. fruits and meats